This 47 Overhand Hitch Adjustable Hat is a must-have for any devoted Pittsburgh Steelers fan. The 47 Hitch boasts a retro-inspired silhouette constructed with a pinched five-panel crown and features a team wordmark embroidered across the front, making it a stylish way to represent your Pittsburgh Steelers. Made from garment-washed cotton for a worn-in feel, this hat provides a comfortable fit with a curved bill and snap closure.Snap ClosureMid and rear eyelets for ventilationContrast-color undervisor adds extra detailMid CrownOfficially licensedOne size fits mostTeam logo embroidered on right panelMaterial: 100% CottonCurved billThe 47 Hitch is a retro-inspired silhouette constructed with a pinched five-panel crownWipe clean with a damp clothImportedEmbroidered cursive team wordmark across the frontBrand: 47Rope detail across the visorConstructed from garment-washed cotton for a worn-in feelUnstructured relaxed fit
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