Kitchen Safe タイムロックコンテナ (ミディアム) タイムロックボックス アクセスポート付き 携帯電話 スナック その他の望ましくない誘惑用 (ホワイトリッド + 5.5インチのクリアベースとアクセスポート)ブランド | Kitchen Safe |
色 | Medium (White Lid + Clear Base with Access Port) |
モデル | KS01-IN01-01WT01TB-2 |
商品説明 | 【商品概要】 BUILD BETTER HABITS: Creating genuine changes in our habits requires willpower, and oftentimes we don t have the internal motivation. That is okay, we know its tough to break bad habits. Once it s set, the kSafe locking timed container will not reopen until the timer hits zero. The timed safe can be set up to 10 days and is your external motivation to cut back on your addictions and build habits to live a happier life. COMBAT ADDICTION: Over 21 million Americans deal with at least one addiction, and the average person spends upwards of 5 hours a day on their phone. Whether it s your phone, cigarettes, pills, or other illicit substance, the kSafe timed locking feature helps you overcome bad habits by helping you develop the willpower to fight temptation. PERFECT SIZE FOR YOUR PHONE AND JUNK FOOD: Fit your cell phone (iPhone XS, XS Max, XR & Galaxy S10, S10e, S10+), junk food, cigarettes, keys, credit cards, pills, and any other substance you are looking to break the habits with. Reduce your unhealthy food intake and cut back on salty treats. The kSafe Medium container comes in a variety of colors to blend in or stand out to showcase the steps you re taking to beat temptation. BE YOUR OWN INTERVENTION: Phone addiction is on the rise within the last 10 years, and Americans have been battling other substance addictions for much longer. Right now, the average person checks their phone 262 times a day. We all could use a helping hand. The kSafe electric container is a simple, concealed way to get a little help fighting addictions many other people also face. SCIENTIFICALLY BACKED RESULTS: The kSafe container is a precommitment device, so you can make smart decisions before the temptation strikes. Studies from Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, and Yale show that precommitment devices are the best way to fight temptation by combating decision fatigue and conserving willpower.【商品説明】 The Kitchen Safe is the time-lock container designed to help us fight temptations. USA Today and TIME Magazine call it ・・ Brilliant!・・ Heres how it works: 1) Place an item in the Kitchen Safe 2) Rotate the button to set the timer (from 1 minute to 10 days) 3) Press the button to activate the lock Once locked, the Kitchen Safe cannot be opened until the timer reaches zero. Seriously, there are no overrides! Once its locked, its locked! Studies of highly successful people show that the best strategy for achieving goals is to avoid relying on willpower in all situations. These people are more likely to use something called precommitment, which significantly improves odds of achieving goals. Precommitment is the notion of committing to a smart choice early, when we know we will be tempted by a bad choice later. The Kitchen Safe is a tool that enables us to precommit to smart choices. Plus, its really fun to use. Who doesnt like spinning and pressing a giant button?【商品詳細】 ブランド:Kitchen Safe 商品種別:収納ケース・ボックス 商品名:Kitchen Safe タイムロックコンテナ (ミディアム) タイムロックボックス アクセスポート付き 携帯電話 スナック その他の望ましくない誘惑用 (ホワイトリッド + 5.5インチのクリアベースとアクセスポート) 製造元:Kitchen Safe 商品番号:KS01-IN01-01WT01TB-2 色:Medium (White Lid + Clear Base with Access Port)【当店からの連絡】 |
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